I agree with you.
If men are making that kind of snap judgement about a woman they just met, then the woman is nothing more than a living doll to them. If they’re deciding to make a lifelong commitment early on, before they’ve had a chance to get to know someone as a person, then the personhood of their potential mate is just not important to them. That’s a problem — no matter how you dance around it, if that’s a guy’s level of thinking then women are nothing more than a means to an end for them.
It makes no sense.
Why should any of us women ever bother with any of you men under such a paradigm? I don’t want to spend my whole life fighting for recognition of basic human dignity at home too; from my partner who’s supposed to have my back! It’s bad enough out there and we all get more than enough of it just trying to live our lives. What kind of life is that?!? Thanks, but no thanks. Home should be a place to rest and recharge from the difficulties and terrors of the outside world. It shouldn’t be it’s own battleground or minefield. I don’t want a partner who makes it one. No one should.