I agree with the need to be skeptical with anything coming from government, media, or money these days.
We’re all being propagandized 24/7 it seems.
I also, kind of don’t care. In exactly the same way you don’t care. It doesn’t affect me personally and these are not life shattering or important in the grand scheme of things sorts of revelations.
And I also kind of do, because of these broader issues around celebrity and money. Also, frankly, because Diana’s death affected me in a profound way by further solidifying a personal code I had been developing for years.
You make some good and valid points too.
Is it a retrospective weapon or is it a retrospective defense? It seems to me they’ve tried to be quiet more or less, as much as one can when one’s every sneeze sells papers, but there’s been a lot of negativity about them leaving and stepping down from royal duties. The family has not rebuked reports of bad feelings and bad blood with them walking away; they’ve had ample opportunity to do so. Charles and William in particular have kind of been dicks about it.
So are they trying to “get back at" the family or did they feel pressured to talk about it so the press would leave them alone and let them move on with their lives? Could it be some of both? I still tend to think they left so she could get help.
She may have lacked other resources getting the help she needed outside money. She may have needed time away from royal duties, security to keep it out of the rags, etc. She may have been constrained by some sort of legal agreement that prevented her from seeking help on her own outside the consent and control of the Firm. By marrying a Prince she became an employee too. Employees sign confidentiality agreements and things all the time. The more money and power on the line, the more onerous the requirements and restrictions.
She was extremely isolated. She may not have realized she could go outside the Firm whether there was an agreement or not. She wouldn’t have been in a rational or thoughtful state at the time, after all.
I’m not making a judgement or criticism one way or the other. I’m just saying I can understand the thinking process that led to the decision to do the interview given the circumstances. Time will tell if it was a good idea or not.