I agree with that a lot too. Except like here where it's not all men, it's not all women. It's a loud, obnoxious, vocal group.
Most everybody is okay being more neutral and sliding easily between the two as the mood and desire strikes.
You should read some of my criticisms of TradWives sometime. I'd agree with your banning idea, but I think it would just make more people dig their heels in to the ideology.
The whole confidence thing is loaded. I can't speak for all women, but I'd like men to be more confident for their own good, not to make them more desireable as a date. Just enough generic confidence to not be annoying from the lack of it and constantly looking for validstion. It's exhausting. We talk about it from a dating perspective, but the fact of the matter is, men with toexhee self esteem look for those dopamine hits from women everywhere and any chance they get. Like I said, it's exhausting.