I agree. No amount of preparation would have been sufficient.
Queen Charlotte was biracial and presumably much darker toned than Megan so Megan is not the first. She is the first in modern times.
In fairness, the British press has gotten so out of hand with the vitriol that it is conceivable that their silence is less about being complicit and more that they just don’t know what else they could possibly try at this point.
What I mean by that is the press has been so abusive toward the royal family for so long that there’s no way for them to know if responding with denials would have helped or made the situation worse. For Megan too. They may be trapped in a cycle of ongoing depressive hopelessness as a family.
Especially since Diana’s death.
What’s to prevent the press from “proving" there is a feud? So the scrutiny intensifies and the reporting becomes more outlandish and boorish. Or hounding her in an attempt to provoke a reactive outburst that ends in another tragic death?
It’s not outside the realm of reason to think going with the usual strategy of just weathering it would be the most successful and least damaging for everyone involved, Megan most of all. Not when there is no winning and the best you can do is lose less.
The fact is, for many years now the royal family exists mostly to be abused by the British press and Britons at large. Every bit of national angst and anger gets hurled at them while at the same time they are denied the balance that living outside their bubble would provide. They come off as stunted human beings by accident of birth and then are publicly crucified for it daily.
It’s sick.
Megan and Kate both are under pressure of it not being normalized for them and being cast into ridiculous roles. One of the best things Megan said all night, “if you love her, you don’t have to hate me. If you love me, you don’t have to hate her.”
From her lips to willing and open ears. Let’s hope the Brits and British press realize they’re letting another “people’s princess” slip through their fingers before it’s too late. Diana made them look good, and relevant. They could use more of her kind of humanity again. They had it in Megan Markle. If they can’t, hey…their loss is our gain.