Human population is inn overshoor due to capitalism and Patriarchy. That's what I'm saying.
Capitalism is rapacious in that, left unchecked, it consumes everything. I don't see Feminism as having as having hitched it's wagon to capitalism so much as it's being consumed by it. That ties into one of my critical points of feminism.
Feminism is not an internal overcorrection.
Industrialism is coming to a close. It seems natural to me that women would be rethinking their place in the world. More men should be. The problem here is that capitslism is directing that rethinking for both sexes in an effort tonsqueeze out maximum profits before it all goes bust and the 99% are left to fend for themselves with nothing left. So there's a propagamda push toward reestablishing gender essentialism. But these women are going to learn a hard lesson because men will turn on them when it goes bust.
I guess you missed my response to Elle about sexual dimorphism in that article.
Best guess, size differential has to do with thermal homeostasis. Women have adapted to lay on more fat and to even crave it and sugar more than men. Fat has three purposes for women, so that's the direction evolution took. Men did not have the evolutionsry pressure to provide for young so there's took another route, even though they took, can store fat.
If you look at animal populations going south to north, they get bigger the further north you go. You can really see it in squirrels and white tailed deer as those species cover the whole of the range. You will see a marked jump in size once you hop over the snow line.
Increased body mass and denser musculature helps endotherms maintain thermal homeostasis.
The other route to go was to regrow fur. But that's seems to be more difficult, evolutionarily speaking, especially after a feature has been lost.
The beards, I think are mostly about status amongst males. It's a frill. It's not uncommon for males of many species to have some sort decorative feature ariund the neck and throat. Dewlaps in lizards and frogs, waddles and combs in chickens and turkeys, manes in lions and some wolves, breeding plummage in birds, etc.
A full beard signals sexual maturity and robustness because poor health leads to poor hair quality.