How were men bashed by this article? That's like saying "serial killers should held accountable" is bashing men.
Or, "soldiers who commit war crimes should be held accountable" is bashing men.
Men seem to stumble over this far too often. Why are you more concerned about how the correctly described harassment and violence women experience in dating nakes you feel about how you'll be perceived as a man than the growing number of murders and lesser crimes women face.
Since this behavior is clearly one that escalates over time, one would think if men truly cares about their reputations or how they are perceived as men they'd be all over this shit, checking it so it DOESN'T escalate to murder.
But y'all don't. Time and time again, y'all won't. But you'll hop in real quick to let us know how all the "man bashing" makes y'all feel mistreated and misrepresented.
Y'all are making a choice here. Y'all are cutting your noses off to spite your faces. If that's your choice, so be it. Hope y'all like the cats you're always threatening us with because we're closing in on a time when no woman will want to risk her safety or peace of mind to ever date any of you.