2 min readNov 29, 2023


How do you suppose women can let go of the past when the past will not let go of us? See Dobbs decision. See sexual assault statistics. See TradWife movement. See manosphere. See SBC: more than 700 in less than twenty years.

I could go on all damn day.

It's not past, my guy. It's present. I'm 52. I was in diapers when the next to last hurdle (financial enfranchisement) was crossed. All that was left was the ERA. .....

It took most of my life to pass. And it's still not on the books. Know why? One man. One man's misogynistic beliefs trump the well being and civil rights of 165 millionish women.

Where's this damn progress you mention?

If it was a woman causing a problem in a job, that job would be made so uncomfortable she'd quit. She'd be driven out rather than allow her to continue being a problem to the detriment of others. We all know it. But from our predominantly male leadership?

Fucking crickets. Same old same old.

Exactly how long do you think is acceptable to wait for noticeable, demonstrable progress?

Would you wait 50 years? Your whole life?

There's patience and then there's making a doormat of yourself.

I think we're done being patient. We're done being acceptable collateral damage. We're done being your fuckmaids after you've promised partnership and then sit up on your asses while we work ourselves to the bone. We're done giving chance after chance after chance, looking for the best in you to only ever get scraps you toss our way to keep us from leaving. We're done being blamed for every societal ill and every problem men have and predominantly cause, create, or imagine.

And we don't care if it hurts your feelings.



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