Hope you get the job! Dmart move to staet securing sources of food outside the typical supply chain.
I haven't seen How It Ends. I'll have to check that one out. I love Forrest Whitaker and Theo James is pretty good too. I loved his interpretation of the character Four in the Divergent series.
I've actually been a little surprised recently with how much The Day After Tomorrow has gotten right. They sped up the climate activity to ridiculous degree, of course, but the desalinization, the breakdown of ocean currents, the rash of tornados in weird places, the deluges, extreme hail batterings, the hypercanes so massive they reached up to the stratosphere. They missed the heat domes, but I believe fires were "on the news" while the kid was eating his breakfast before leaving for New York. Also, it was fall/early winter so, you know. It kind of suggested 3 large cold domes that created those super storms.
I was thinking about that and then I saw an article summary (didn't have a chance to read it at the time and I neglected to save it for later) that suggested we could be in for some extreme cold with increased extant icing from the poles and extreme heat along the equator, making only a small strip of the planet inhabitable.
Of course, the movie was mostly a rescue/survival mission and ended on a hopeful note. One thing I did appreciate was that they didn't completely candy coat how many are going to die in these extreme events and that there really is no preparing for them.
Anyway, glad you're looking to stay fit and secure food sources.