Honestly? It's because we accept the identity narrative that theyre better than us.
We're not entitled to the audacity they constantly have on display that bends people.
Nor would that audacity work for us like it does for them. We'd be pilloried by a mob.
It's that dominance hierarchy of who is deserving and who is not.
We could easily hold the economy hostage and force the changes we need but we can't agree amongst ourselves, are u willing to give up our rung on the ladder in the first place, and will not sacrifice for anything real outside yet another identity performance (which is equally harmful).
Hell. Women could do this without you men. Refusing to buy beauty products for 6 months and the whole thing crumbles. One domino after another. But that would mean setting aside the pressure to perform femininity/complete against other women for the attention of men who are oblivious in the first place and learning to be okay with ourselves.
Most of us lack the spine or the fortitude. That's the cold hard truth.
You men are no better. You lack the spine and the fortitude to learn to be okay with yourselves.
And so we simper and fawn at the feet of the narcissists who run the world.