Hmm. Gonna go with a big nope again.
First off, he's not ugly. He's got odd looking ears but that's just an interesting character feature. It fits his head so it's not ugly.
He's wearing a suit again, clearly groomed, takes pride in his appearance. He's not let himself go.
Not loving the suit color (camel is often hit or miss because it's more dependent on your skin tone to look good; he should have gone with a lighter shade, imo) or the fit, but in fairness that may be the lighting and he's scrunched up (may be the material bulk). It may not be a good quality made suit or possibly, he couldn't afford extra tailoring. That may or may not be a big deal. Probably isn't for most folks. Wouldn't be for me in most circumstances.
I suppose if you were really going out on a limb, one could criticize his facial expression.
Upon inspection, it's looks clear that he has been invited to pose for a selfie (she's facing the camera posing) and he's moving in and puckering up to kiss her cheek or neck in the photo.
Or something like that.
So, not being creepy. This looks like a date that's going well.
Both are happy and being engaged toward the other. Open, friendly, non-hostile body language.
This man is not what I would call rough looking either. Not by a long shot.
Overall, he's a nice looking man who is presenting himself well.
Also, about those ears. Fact is, it is not uncommon at all for many women to like their guy to have some sort of a character feature like that, especially if they're self conscious about it. It's something to play with, something to caress, some way to love him that no one else has. And, arguably, it helps keep him loyal.
Think about it. That poor man has likely been made fun of his whole life about those ears. His family, his teachers, his friends, maybe even girls he liked in his youth. They're low hanging fruit for mockers and bullies, if you know what I mean. For a woman to actually be affectionate toward something about yourself that you hate is going to be pretty profound. If he's like most men, he'll resist at first but over time, will come to depend upon that affection as it raises his self image. As the woman, there's always going to be somebody prettier and younger than you. But she's not going to love those ears like you do. This is how people think subconsciously.
Now he has a choice. He can chase pussy and degrade himself or he can receive love and be someone worth wanting to keep.
And every bit of that plays out in the background with most of us completely unaware.
Papa taught me about that when I was a girl. I have since observed it holds true over and over again.
Too bad not many men return the favor. We women just have to deal with our insecurities by ourselves as best we can. Usually, we can expect our partners, once they know about the insecurity, to just add to it. They side with the mockers and bullies, not us.