2 min readJul 7, 2023


Hmm. And where was this enlightened sympathy for young, actually disenfranchised, Muslim men who radicalized?

I seem to recall an awful lot of perpetual yammering about locking them up, GITMO memes, calls to shoot terrorists on sight, etc.

Incels are on terrorist watch lists now. For good reason. The entire ideology is one of hate and violence.

The resentment you're picking up on is less towards Incels and more toward men like you, who are hopping on this sympathy bandwagon because you relate to these radicalized men.

Again and again, y'all call for sympathy and understanding for these "Promising Young Men" with never a word or acknowledgement for the EXACT SAME pain suffering so many others have endured under dominance hierarchy for years and STILL are.

There was a choice here.

Y'all could have done some reflection and come at this like, "OMG. Y'all were right. It's reached out level now and we see. We should have listened. We're sorry. Truly sorry. Can we join you in ending this dominance hierarchy that's hurting all of us? We promise were serious about it now. Can we renegotiate the social contract for the greatest widespread well being of all of us? Please. We'll do the work. We'll give you the space you been pleading for to do your work."

But no. Instead y'all are going with, "Damn. It's such a shame so many Promising young men are struggling getting that pussy when they try so hard. If only women hadn't horded all the relationship skills for themselves. Those poor men. Of course that discrimination has led to widespread loneliness and depression. They're not getting laid. Poor little fellas. It's so sad. Someone should really listen to them. Now why don't you women have enough compassion and empathy to listen to these men who routinely get on the internet and talk about taking away all your rights, raffling you out by lottery like candy, and fantasize about beating or killing you? Is that where we are now? How do you women expect to fix their issues if you don't listen to them. That's not fair."

So. Your choice was to make a spot decision based on ignorance of who these dudes really are and what they really represent, about who's life...who's pain and suffering matters and who's does not.

And you keep doing it loud and proud for everyone to see.

And you're perplexed by the resentment you're getting in response? Really?

I'll say it again. Why don't YOU go and listen to these dimples darlings who's life is worth so much more than everyone else's, who's pain and suffering is so much more important than anyone else's long enough to really and truly get to know them. Follow them back over the course of years. Just pick 2 or 3 at random and do a deep dive.

Then we'll talk about compassion and empathy and effective problem solving.

We women have been getting blasted by their shit for years. We already know. Your ignorance about this is just another assault on us.



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