Hey Trevor. How's it going?
Once again, to respond to your latest comment, I can draw a comparison with Christianity to put things in a type of relief.
The basic precept od Christiantiy is the Golden rule. Do unto others......
This is a nice ideology that is flawed in it's simplicity. It seems easy enough, but people are different. Some people like having a long lost od rules, others don't. Not everyone likes to be treated the same. Doing unto someone else how you would like to be treated may be horrible to them. They may not like that at all. People are wildly different, across the board.
Likewise, the basic precepts of Feminism is the idea of gender equality. But what does that mean? How does that play out? Equal in what ways? How will this equality be achieved? And so forth and so on.
The basic precept leaves a lot of questions, which means it's so simple, it's doomed to be interpreted in different ways. Explains why there are different types of feminism and paths of feminist thought.
When it comes specifically to "fuck all men", it doesn't bother me at all in one regard as I see it as a natural part of the process in an ecological way but in another way, it disturbs me greatly. In another way, I think it's mostly harmless but not really helpful. In another way, I think it's very harmful. And so forth and so on. Context is everything, amirite?
Honestly, it's impossible to look at something like that with a truly critical eye and not think many different and contradictory things about it, depending upon the lens you're viewing it through.