Hey Trevor. I usually do wade all the way through the comments, particularly on articles of a certain type and on anyone I follow. I follow Simon and he's one of about two dozen writers that inread everything they produce all the way through, consistently, and without fail, whether I comment or not.
Answer to your second question is yes, specifically to this essay. More importantly to my mind though is the yes to his more broad body of work. I know you're looking for more here but I can't get into it right now. I'm at work and training another set of recruits. I can't multi-task like I normally do. Or hold a straight thought in my head. I hate training.
I was answering Nigel's question, which arguably WAS a little tangental to the theme or point of Simon's article. But that's okay, I don't mind, per se. He wasn't on some weird rant or going out of his way to make an ass of himself which is what usually sets most people off. He's just a guy, socializing over the internet, respectfully, as you do. Just, "hey, that's interesting and it made me think about this. How do you apply what your code to this." That's cool. I have zero problem with that. Also, since he was specifically asking me there, I don't care what Simon thinks. Simon has ultimate control of the thread as the OP. If he doesn't like it, he can delete those comments off the thread or turn comments off entirely. He's got the ultimate say, agency, and he's perfectly capable of thinking it through and making his own decision. He did not preemptively ask everyone to stay on topic. I think we're safe here to assume going a little off topic, organically as a natural flow of conversation isn't something we need to overly concern ourselves with. We should just trust Simon to run his blog as he sees fit.
Is there any reason why you feel he's unfit or failing at administering his blog to his satisfaction?