Hey, I saw my great grandmother take a rolling pin to my grandfather and my great uncles for bullying and trash talking their wives at a wake.
Papa was near retirement age and still got his meanness and stupidity cognitively recalibrated for him by his Mama with a marble rolling pin.
So yes. When Mamas choose to intervene, they can make the most impact on bullying. And there was no doubt from the diatribe that came with that beat down that G-grandma took it as an insult to her that her boys would behave in such a manner. It was a slight and a disrespect to the years she spent feeding and clothing them that they would embarrass and shame her acting like some common junkyard dog. And right there in front of all the grandbabies and great-grandbabies. At a wake, no less.
Reason? It’s a well known fact that most bullies learn to bully at home. So when you go out and bully, you’re telling the whole world that’s the sort of scummy people your family is. Or, that that’s the sort of people you would rather hang out with and learn from than the decent family that has loved you, cared for you, and invested in you.
That really doesn’t sit well with a lot of mothers.
I’ll say again. It WAS GLORIOUS!!! and mountain Mamas rule.