Here’s the thing. Most people who want abortion to be legal want it to be regulated.
And it has been. It’s been regulated very well in the US since Roe v. Wade. Again, I encourage you to read the decision. You can get an abortion up to 20 weeks. 20 weeks is not 9 months, that’s 38 to 40 weeks.
After 20 weeks, it’s illegal, except in certain hazard to the life of the mother cases. You and others keep bringing up 9 month abortions like women can just go down to the hospital or clinic 3 days before due date, say they’re not ready to be a mother, and get an abortion upon request. That’s your reasoning for making abortions illegal.
But they’ve already been illegal is such cases for 50 years except in cases where something has gone horribly horribly wrong. Nobody is aborting a fetus that can live outside the mother on its own and can be placed for adoption.
At that point there’s no reason not to go through birth and turn the child over to the state, again except in extreme cases where the mother’s life is in jeopardy. However, at that point you eliminate most problems by C-section. The baby comes out, gets put up for adoption, and the mother goes on with her life.
You’re already at the finish line. Any disruption has already occurred, it hasn’t been secret for months at that point, and a C-section is usually a safer bet than abortion or natural birth ( when something goes wrong). Abortion ALREADY IS illegal after 20 weeks.
The whole argument about when the right of the child come into play and women’s rights shouldn’t supercede the rights of the child is both moot and inane. You people are allowing yourselves to get "heated" over the wording in a slogan that DOES NOT APPLY to a viable fetus in the first place. The slogan only applies to the ideological challenge to Roe v. Wade, or prior to 20 weeks. Why would women protest to have rights to something that is already legal?
They wouldn’t. That would be stupid. They are protesting against ideological nut jobs who want to take away those rights but not accept responsibility for the mess it will create or the lives it will destroy. My body my choice only applies to the legal standard already in play in Roe v. Wade. It’s not and never has been the carte blanche statement you people claim.
You don’t like it? Cool. I challenge you to come up with a better one that can be picked up and carried by a crowd at a rally or protest, fits on posters, and gets the point across. Or to find one about any OTHER similarly complicated and nuanced thing that cannot also ve picked apart to death by people who should just keep their mouths shut until they can contribute to the conversation in a meaningful way and know what the hell they’re talking about.
Stop making noise. Educate yourself. Don’t blindly believe or follow propaganda.