Heard and Depp both have mental health issues and a loose affiliation with the truth. They both have and are behaving abominably.
They’re both guilty. They’ve both been victimized.
The fact that she hasn’t donated a pledged amount of divorce settlement yet doesn’t make her op-ed untrue. Has he even paid the settlement for her to donate? She can’t donate it until she receives it. Is it still in litigation or has he been threatening litigation?
This kangaroo ...sorry, alpaca court is nothing more than Johnny Depp’s op-ed.
The sad thing is, this will probably restore him to public grace and popularity. He will be vindicated. The price of that vindication will be his own chance at some accountability and restoration and when it’s all said and done he’s still going to he left alone with the demons in his own head.
Its a pyrrhic victory that may well leave him dead via overdose or suicide. But hey, at least everyone was entertained and once again, we all see the level of malevolence aimed at women.
Why are you Depp fans so blind to HIS lies on the stand and under oath? You’re ready to destroy her but you don’t even see his lies.