2 min readDec 22, 2020


He won’t be able to use the US military. He’s treated them too badly to think that would be likely, and their oath is to the Constitution (the nation) not to him in particular.

If there is a military action, it will be the National Guard being called out to quell an illegal far-right militia insurrection. This will be devastating for the country to go through but will also kill two (or more) birds with one stone, so to speak. His dreams of retaining office will end and domestic terrorism will be out on notice.

I’m sure these militias are actually aware of this so I don’t anticipate a head on action if they choose to engage. It would be an absolute slaughter. The only advantage would be to go out in a flame of glory, the national psychological damage of forcing the National Guard to kill American citizens, to make a martyr of Donald Trump, or to hamper the Biden administration by giving them yet another disaster to deal with upon entering office.

They’re best bet is a side attack. The nature of their organization limits them here into arenas that will not likely be successful. They could attempt to take hostages or they can commit acts of terror in the hopes of that declaration of martial law such as simultaneous mass shooter events across the nation. But they’d have to do better than a shopping mall or a school. They’d have to go after targets like state legislative bodies, police and other first responders, etc. You go after the decision makers and the people who keep things running.

It still won’t work, for obvious reasons. That’s probably the lines of thinking though. These guys aren’t the best strategic thinkers, after all. They’re wannabes.

Plus, they’d have to work under the leadership of captain bone spurs and his great military mind. He’ll throw their lives away for a show over a more useful but less visible (for him) tactic that has a better (but still slight) chance of success. And then blame them for incompetence. It’s just who he is. He’s not capable of the level of strategic thinking required to keep him in office and those who are need him out so they’re not going to tell him. He’s more useful to the GOP and his own children now as a dead martyr than anything.

That, more than anything, is reason to leave quietly. He really ought to be keeping an eye on those who “have his back". That was Caesar’s mistake too.



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