He got away with it because he’s a sociopath. They’re expert manipulative liars. They convince everyone they’re a good guy. And people fall for it every time.
We live in a misogynistic culture. The voice and word of a man is worth more, especially to other men, than the voice or word of a woman. Women are viewed as conniving and inherent liars. Sociopaths make use of this. Strategically.
Women are also burdened with conflicting, insane, puritanical sexual mores. That adds to it, to harmful and sometimes deadly consequences for women.
I disagree with you though, on prevalence. This is a problem in both political parties. Neither one is better than the other in this matter. They will both do the same thing. A sex scandal comes out … throw the woman under the bus. Drag out her entire sexual history, gaslight her and anyone who speaks on her behalf, equivocate, push forgiveness for 'past mistakes’, call her a liar, point out his promising future and what a waste it would be if he faced consequences, and so forth and so on.
Seriously, get the popcorn. Settle back. We all know what’s coming.