Having studied biology heavily in college and pathology I was preparing in December as soon as I saw the video coming out of China.
I started hoping and speaking about closing the borders as soon as it showed up in Italy.
When Trump closed the borders to China after we already had community spread cases within our borders and other countries who we allowed in I realized we were f**ked. I stepped up my preps and tried to convince my family and friends to do the same.
Most of them are apolitical but generally trust the government or conservative Trump supporters. They could not be reasoned with. They just couldn’t see what I saw.
They still can’t. I’m not a prophet, but there is a pattern to how these things go. It’s not absolute but there are definite trends. I hope people open their eyes soon because if they don’t those trends are going to spiral into a negative feed cycle, sucking us onto a path we really don’t want to be on.