Hanging is more likely to be successful than the methods women typically choose too.
The quicker and quieter a chosen methodnisz the more likely the attempt is to be successful.
Women used to jump and drown themselves. But those effective means have largely been blocked off. They're harder to do now in most places.
Also the suicidal thinking is slightly differentz as reported by survivors. Women say they just wanted it to be over, to go to sleep and not wake up. It has to do with the fatigue of living. Ergo, they're looking for painess desths that mimic sleep.
Men say there's no place for them, they have no value, they're unwanted. They're angry because they feel rejected by society, and by women. Ergo, there's an element of spite in their choice of method. They want the violence and the mess. They want the 'blaze of glory'. They want the pain.
That's why men are more successful even though women attempt more.
I also believe, since a lot of this data is self reporting, that the statistic for men's attempts is off. I doubt as many would come clean about it. Obviously, that's a belief, I have no evidence. It's based off observations of men's behavior, in general, and when they're in their slumps. But I really do think that statistic is off.