Haha. Cynics are created, not born.
There comes a point, where allowing oneself to continually be swindled by someone or some group because you refuse to believe them even after they’ve continually told you who they are becomes straight up masochism.
It’s really not the popular schtick you seem to think it is.
I’m glad you got something out of MM’s message and that you feel it’s a necessary lesson. Good for you. Best of luck with that.
For me, we’ll see if conservatives are serious this time around or not in November. Because words are cheap. Nobody in office right now is going to do any different than they’ve already done. Every one of these suggestions has already been voted on before. Some, more than once.
Words are cheap. Even when spoken by a baritone voiced famous actor.
It’s liberals and marginalized communities who are facing the firing squads of conservative radicalism.
It was reported today that in Florida a Trans kid tried to commit suicide. As many of the hospital staff rushed the phones trying to collect the bounty on that child’s parents as tried to save a life. Guess they needed a vacation bonus, huh?
Also, I was at Metro center WalMart in Phoenix on Monday. Look it up, I can’t the link to paste on this irritating mobile app.
A 14 year old girl was shot and killed about a mile or so north of me this week too. Another innocent bystander.
Last year some punk kid out cruising in a car pulled out a gun and shot at me from down the street while I’m out walking my dog during lockdown. For entertainment. To scare me.
So you go ahead and enjoy your lesson. As for the those of us actually under fire.... If conservatives mean what they say, they need to fucking prove it.
It is well past time for moderate conservatives and Independents to put up or shut up. The rest of us are too busy dodging the bulk of the bullets because your mouthpieces are making sure these radicalized suicidal men are targeting us, not you. Your “optimism" is killing us.
Maybe you can school me about my cynicism when it’s your family, friends, neighbors, and groups dodging bullets for a while. We’d appreciate being spelled a bit.
By the way, I’m a liberal libertarian, which makes me an Independent voter too, pretty much by default. That’s never been an acceptable excuse in this house for inaction, failures of morality, or abdicating responsibility to our neighbors (some of whom are conservatives and/or Christians btw) or our countrymen.
What the hell is wrong with y’all?
You and Matthew McConaughey can go on and feel as frustrated as you want in your nice safe little bubbles.