Haha. Check out those trauma responses from the men.
Like, if you're doing well professionally, then you'll be disruptive, competitive, and domineering at home. That makes you inherently competition that disrupts this poor guy's peace....even if you don't work together, aren't even in the same industry, or you just advanced more quickly as a factor of luck (like, you got a job at a start up that made it big but he got a job at an established company that's been around a while where mobility has slowed).
Like, being aggressive and assertive in a highly competitive field precludes you from being soft and nurturing at home.
Like, you must be all of one trait or group of traits at all times and you can't shift back and forth based on need. And you chose "trying to be a man" instead of the more "attractive" femininity.
Yeah. These guys got the trauma. Steer clear, ladies. Save yourself the disappointment.