2 min readFeb 13, 2021



Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!

That’s your argument? Okayokay, give me a sec.


oh. man. That was a good one.

Reality check Sunshine. Male humans kill more female humans per year than all the other large predators combined. By a lot.

Maybe 1K a year, all other predators combined vs 50K a year male on female human homicides.

As for other elements of the natural world, women do far more to lessen their impact than men do. Hygiene, etc.

Men do not provide clean air. They are not the only ones who can start a fire or make warm clothing. Women are far more likely to know what vegetative plants are safe to eat, where to find them, and how to preserve food for winter months. Not all game is large game and nowadays we have weapons that do not require massive upper body strength or speed. Small game also provides appropriate protein calories, it is much more plentiful, and can be raised easily, even by us poor, pathetic females. There’s nothing gender specific about fishing either.

Despite all the chest thumping of men about being providers and protecting women, the reality is women have protected you men throughout history as much or more than any protection you have provided to us since the biggest causes of death are not things that men can protect from but are things that women have learned to mitigate and treat.

We have never been the threat to you that you have been to us.

Women do not withhold resources, food and materials from men. You men have withheld these things from us and then want gratitude for your thievery.

Women rarely murder men, and when they do you generally find the man has attacked and beaten them repeatedly. Then men act incensed and perplexed that they would be ever be regarded with suspicion by women.

Because, supposedly, we need them.

You could take up your own challenge. Go ahead. Go make it on your own. Best of luck. Again, don’t feel the need to let us know how it turns out. We already know.



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