Ha! No. Not at all.
When I was reading that paragraph what came to mind was the old axiom from horse training -- you work with a horse, not against them.
You used the words "rid ourselves from tribalism and group think" like they're ringworm or something instead a part of who we are as a species.
Those things may fall into excess and certainly need checks and boundaries, but without them....what holds our social bonds together? How do we ever gain consensus instead of everyone out for themselves?
Group think and tribalism are not inherently evil, or bad, or harmful. They're just behavioral traits that exist because they are evolutionarily advantageous. Or were.
That said, no doubt they are experiencing evolutionary pressure due to technology, predominantly.
I'm just saying that maybe before seeking to rid ourselves of fundamental parts of what have made us successful as a species, we should try adaptation first, as that's another quintessential human capability.
Further in your essay, you listed some good checks to put into play that would aid well in wrangling these teaits away from harmful excess.
To those I would add focusing on how we play, particularly for small children. You want to change the way we think, change the way we play.