Guess what? I'm a biology major too. Not medical, actual theoretical and practcal biology. I've got a BS in wildlife science and have done graduate level classwork in Evolution.
If it ended in -ology, was part of the life sciences dept, and was offered at the college I attended, I probably had that class. And also Botany, Silviculture, Soils, Wildlife Policy and Management classes, etc.
First off, the four principles of evolutionary biology are variance, inheritance, selection, and time. These are considered to be the gears or parts/components of the evolutionary mechanism. They work in tandem, you might say it's more like a team or a partnership; so, there's not really a hierarchy of one over the other. (How very patriarchal of you though).
Secondly, while that (the first principle listed is almost always variance) might make an interesting argument for why sex and gender are not the binary *some* would have us believe, it's got jack-diddly-squat to do with how essential men are or aren't. Seriously. Bubkus.
Inheritance here has to do with passing on genetic traits so it's got nothing to do with how essential men are to women or to society either. You could argue that it's essential that men exist. Okay, sure. Given that humans have a sex ratio of 1:1 amongst their offspring just like most mammalian species, there's certainly reason to state this. But what's that got to do with a man's usefulness or desirability in a woman's domestic life or for society in general? Men are not required or essential in a woman's day to day life and civilization/society is not necessary in order to maintain a 1:1 sex ratio. After all, no other mammal on this planet has a civilization and they have a 1:1 ratio too. Humans are the odd duck here. Many species live gender segregated lives, only coming together to mate once or twice a year. If you look at all the herd species, and particularly if you look at livestock species, the idea of male usefulness is actually not supported at all.
You boys might want to keep that shit in mind next time you're at the ballot box and some patriarchal and idiotic fundamentalist cretin is putting forth some cockamamie legislation that equates or relagates human women to the same status as livestock. Because what's good for the know how that one goes, right?
Just saying. Moving on...
If you try to bring time or selection principles into the limelight of this argument, you're just going to create a nonsensical stew of ridiculousness. Don't feel too bad, you'd hardly be the first. Many men have tried with hilarious, often pompous, and illogical / irrational results. They almost always end up talking out of both sides of their mouth because they don't know what they're talking about. They do have that manosphere audacity though.
To be clear here. I'm not saying that men are useless. Civilization needs the participation of all it's inhabitants to exist and thrive. Like most women, I have men in my life that I care about. Some, quite profoundly. One would not be incorrect to notice that I deeply love them and to then rightly conclude that if their presence in my life means something to me, and they're also a significant part of the society in which I live, they're not useless and I don't hate them.
See how we used basic logic and correctly applied grammar mechanics there? Wasn't that something? You should try it sometime.
What I am saying is that this argument you've put forth is stupid, completely out of touch — wrong headed, and useless. Definitely the whole spiel, but especially trying to warp evolutionary theory into something it's not, based on your feelings and the butthurt feelings of internet trolls slapped over with their erroneous understandings of evolution from the manosphere. As someone actually versed in evolution well beyond the average layperson, that's a foul ball, my guy; the kind that chaps my ass enough to show my teeth. So just don't.
You can be mad. Sometimes, I'm not very nice. But don't go around saying how I hate all men because I'm a feminist and you got checked on your shotty article by a girl. That's a you problem.