Great. Except that freedom is not just a mindset. That's reductive bullshit and I think deep down you must know this.
Freedom is the ability and the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint by the state, religion, or culture.
It's the right to self determine.
I'm not sure where you're from, but without a doubt without feminism you would be or still are restricted from many things by law, by religion, and by culture that your male counterparts are not.
Here in the US, I would not have the right to vote, the right to own property, the right of access to financial institutions, the right to family planning, or the right to an education without feminism. Those things had to be fought for and won. Blood was spilled. Some have recently been revoked or are under threat yet again because there will always be authoritarians amongst us who want to tell everyone else how to live their lives.
I have freedom because of the women who marched and demanded these things who came before me.
It is incumbent on me and all adult women today to hold the line and protect them for my daughter so she doesn't lose them. That doesn't happen by wishful thinking, or some Pollyannsla view that freedom is all a state of mind. That's borderline cult talk/thinking.
If it weren't for feminism, you too would be required to live out your life under laws of coverture, whatever they were wherever you're from. It might have worked out well for you, but probably not. It didn't work out well for most women.
Feminism doesn't bar you from the divine feminine. What does that even mean?
Like I said. You want to bow out, then bow out.
You'll be back when you can no longer go to school, work to support yourself, drive a car, travel at will, wear what you want, access birth control, etc. The lack of those things will not improve your life. They will reduce you to a pitiful state of dependency and subject to the whims of the most capricious of persons, those with unlimited power.
Your thinking in the article and the commentary is warped, stunted, and bears the markers of rabbit hole ideology.
Feminism has it's problems but it's not your enemy, it's not what you describe, it's not a negative force, it's not done, and it's not unnecessary.
You can find my comment toke deaf if you want. That's your prerogative. And you can say so, thanks in large part to feminism. I've already made clear how callous I find yours, especially given the horrors the women of Iran, Syria, Ukraine, Sudan, DRC, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan, Pakistan....all the places all over the world where women are suffering, children are suffering, men are suffering at the hands of exploitative systems of patriarchy.
There's no shortage. All those places could use as much feminism as they can get.
Know why? Because it works. Just ask Liberia. It was feminism that ended a twenty year war. Ask Iceland. It was feminism that pushed by force policies that lead to greatest widespread well being for their population.
Open your eyes. Wash them out. Look around.