Good fair question.
Here a a short list of what I’d like to see men doing to end sexism. It’s not all inclusive, I’ll keep it short, and focus on street interactions since that’s what the original article was about.
- Work on self awareness. Why do men have to get their dopamine hits harassing women for entertainment? Why is it entertaining at all? Is there something else you could do that would give you that same emotional need that doesn’t involve us? Even Thunderdome or rites of passage?
- Teach your sons not to be such insufferable dicks out on the street. Please. Teach your daughters what their legal options are when harassed and how to go about getting what they need to pursue it. Talk to her about what other options they might have, and how to safely rebuff male aggression. Practice. Spend less time in ballet and more time in good self defence training. Make sure she knows you have her back and mean it.
- Find another way to define your masculinity other than the current toxic trap around being a protector and provider. Stop over focusing on Greek and Roman definitions of “male” traits to the exclusion of “female” ones, which you also need to be a balanced human being. In other words, stop swallowing and strangling half your emotional selves. Learn to cry if the situation warrants it so you don’t take all that out on us instead of dealing with poor self esteem and problems at home or work.
- Embrace some basic public civility. You don’t have the right to our time and attention just because you’re bored. You can smile and express pleasantries like, “Good day" type greetings in passing and then mind your business, not our asses. That’s all you need. You don’t have to slobber around and gawp for us to know you’re there.
- Find something better to talk about than constantly evaluating women loudly and boorishly for all the world to hear. We really don’t need to hear the bizarre opinions of our appearance from every random Barney we pass by on the street all the live long day.
- If you’re out with your buddies don’t let them harass women unchallenged. You don’t have to get into a fight about it, but don’t normalize it and don’t ignore it. If you know one of your buddies has that tendency when drunk, be the sober one or push to stop drinking before he gets to that point. Let him know he’s a bad drunk.
That’s a decent start. Small steps. None of this is earth shattering stuff but would make a huge difference for women in public space.
Thanks for your time.