2 min readFeb 12, 2022


Good article, Sanni.

Though, to be fair it seems more women are becoming wise to these schemes and frauds than ever before.

Also, despite that guy mocking women for trying to meet beauty standards ... Men are not immune to the same impulse. Ask any gas store clerk what there highest volume sale is and they're likely going to point to that little counter kiosk with all the sexual performance enhancers that make your dick super large and super hard, or so the pkgs claim. Do men not also inject steroids in order to bulk up? -- same thing as those risky surgeries. There are costs and dangers. How about whey and other protein powders that promise to give you wash board and, like you don't still have to earn those abs with sweat and tears? Hair Club for men anyone? There are pills to grow thick full beards.

None of this shit works either. They spend just as much trying to meet the metrics of false or misleading advertising. Let's be real. This is NOT a gendered issue, it is an exploitstive marketing one. Any way any how these greedy fucks can make a dollar by playing to people's insecurities, they will. Where there isn't one, they will attempt to create it.

Betcha $20 that guy mocking women happily plops down his own portion of hard earned money on marketing chicanery. No man is any better or more immune, or has stronger will power than any woman feeling like she's not good enough to not be guilty of profound hypocrisy in this regard.

We're all at risk here and we all struggle. And the make billions.



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