1 min readJan 27, 2023


Good article. You're being head hunted again. Congrats.

I think maybe the ask you're proposing is too big. People are so disconnected these days from the core of who they are as a soul and a mind they cling to the veneer of their flesh. We're all so heavily marketed to, constantly distracted, propagandized, and made to feel less than / not good enough most people literally can't be still with themselves because when they are, it's like there's nothing there.

I don't know if I'm expressing that thought in a way that makes any sense.

Let's put it like this. How many people do you think can stand in front of a mirror, alone with themselves, look themselves in the eye and count down from 10 and not be rattled by negative self talk, negative feedback loops, or grasp at a distraction from being alone with themselves by the time they get to 1?

People don't spend the appropriate time during teenage years developing ethics and values any more. They're too over scheduled and bombarded by noise.

If you don't know who you are and what you believe....what happens?

Where are you searching to fill that void?



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