Jan 7, 2021


Good article.

Here in the US, I’m thinking Independents need to step up. It seems implausible to expect Democrats to not skew the truth and of course, Republicans wouldn’t recognize the truth if it bit them in the arse at this point. Maybe it’s not enough for Independents to be apolitical anymore, holding our noses over what we consider to be the lesser of two evils. Independents actually are the largest voting demographic but we don’t regularly vote and we never have a choice of who gets to stand for election. A great many of us are philosophically against political parties in the first place.

But maybe we could step up more as truth tellers and accountability watch dogs. As Independents, no one can claim we’re biased for anything other than good and competent government; biased against anything but political games with American lives, corruption, and lies.



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