Glad to see you back. You're always missed when you skip out for a while. But it's understandable.
So, you're being harassment stalked, huh? That's always fun. Hope you're taking the proper precautions and all that. Jupe and I have developed a near universally effective deterrent. Let me know if you want details.
Congratulations on two pilots written. Well done.
Interesting article. I find it interesting that neurodivergence made an appearance after a few things began to happen. Kind of makes me wonder if the anxiety people are strugflint with isn't at least partially environmental in nature. Kind of like how it was speculated about how maybe the rise of cars led to the increases in sociopathy, psychopathy, and serial killers due to inhaling lead fumes.
Luckily, we had politicians to straighten us out and point us in the right direction on that one. It was all because of single mothers. I'm sure we'll get it right about anxiety too, which is clearly the fault of single mothers as well.
Until then, you can try to get people to try some accountability to their own selves. Who knows? Maybe someone will hear you.
Until then, welcome back to the Medium we all know and love. You're going to rethink that kiddie pool idea. It's been .... whoa yeah. I actually stopped reading articles all the way through. I've got to be close to breaking my mute button from overuse too.