2 min readJun 30, 2023


Getting these problematic men to reject you is a tried and true methods that's been around for years. Find out what they or their mother detests in women and become that. They'll dump you and then you don't have to worry about blowback. It was their idea.

I agree with you that this is brilliant. It's also clearly going to be effective, as evidenced by all the rubberneckers who just have to make their feelings known about the trainwreck attempt to get a date.

And let's face it, no matter what she did, how she handled it, there's going to be an absolute horde of people, mostly men, denigrating, abusing, and/or gaslighting her online.

They fucking cannot help or control themselves. You can be as assured that this will take place as you are that the sun will rise tomorrow. Same old same old.

That said, we'd be remiss to not acknowledge that posting it on social media, particularly in certain ways also contributes to the culture of violence against women more broadly. It gives men an accuse and ammunition. It provides legitimacy to their myths about women they buy into to justify their bigotry.

And the Catch 22 there is that the misogyny comes first so it's equally true that they'd just find some other reason.

We can't live our whole lives playing defense and begging, pleading for scraps of respect, and praying we won't be targeted. That's a fool's errand.

Better to deal with the reality of what is than trust the scorpion to not sting you just because you did it a favor.



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