Fucking hell dude.
First off, I focused on MY lifetime, not ancient history.
Secondly, I refer you back to Dobbs. This is not progress, it is regression. Lot of regression being promoted.
Thirdly. No. My life is not better than it was 30 years ago. 30 years ago I still believes men could and would evolve and let go of the control freak death grip they keep on our necks. Can't truly say that anymore. Far more of you would happily light the fires to burn us as witches than women you have to worry about actually setting out to "destroy all men". Men are preaching that shit in churches across the nation. Again! Where's that damn progress? Men are calling for forced marriages and return to coverture. That's ALSO genocide, my guy.
Lastly, men will be alone. If there's no benefit to social bonds, they break down. Men haven't cared about women this far other than what is of benefit to them, so you little attempted clap back there is completely empty. Devoid of any significance. You're basically pointing out to me that it's Wednesday.
Us not caring though....that's new.
The problem with men like you is these tone policing pleas for patience and understanding are basically the equivalent of a politician's thoughts and prayers after yet another mass shooting.
"It's soooo sad, but what can be done? I'm glad I'm not you, I can't imagine. Nothing can be done. If only there were solutions. Pity we can't think of any solutions."
Go tell your daughter how sorry you are and how glad you are that you won't have to face what she does. Don't tell me. I don't believe you. And I'm done giving space to the milquetoast affectations of allyship and empathy of weak men.