From what I've seen, conservative women absolutely hate their men, there's this palpable level of contempt toward the men and always this constant fascade. They are always the most savage trash talking and laughing at their husbands amongst women groups. But, oh so polite about it.
They're also consummate actresses.
To be fair, the men are just as bad and take delight out of publicly shaming their wives and girlfriends and jerking them around. Always pecking.
There is absolutely a tie in to authoritarianism. There's never any comeraderie. Never any trust. Never any genuine affection or tenderness. How could there be with that level of contempt between the parties and the constantly reinforced belief system that one is better than the other? That God one to the other? That one is literally meant to erase herself, to martyr herself to the creation and sustainment of a family that gives him status amongst his peers? That gives him an in with the divine?
Evangelical churches are a good place to study extremes of human nature.
There's more to your comment that I haven't addressed. I'm at work. I'll comment again later this evening.