From that song, All I Want To Do Is Make Love To You.
It's a song that tells a story. It's a bit of a siren song. Woman is married but husband is shooting blanks so she cruzes the local bar looking for stud services. Chats a guy up and offers a night of love.
At the time it came out, it infles the delicate sensibilities of the good church folk and there was some pearl clutching. Obviously, because of the infidelity (though the song never really said whether or not the busband knew, it was just assumed he didn't) but also because of using the young man at the bar, making him a father without his consent. In the bridge of the song, the cross paths again a few years later and she's holding what is clearly his child ("he saw his own eyes") and she's asking forgiveness for the lie and him not to intrude in their lives.
At the time, there had been some scandals involving vasectomies. Casecto.ies were becoming more prevalent; cheating men who didn't want to wear protection were lying to their mistresses about having had a vasectomy. The inevitable happened but women were blamed for the unwanted pregnancies. The men who lied were just doing what men are naturally driven to do. Uh huh. When the aont hit the airwaves, it was those same good christian folk who blamed women for being of loose morals who were tripping over their outrage when it's the man going through what we now see as coercive reproductive rape.
I'm obviously not advocating the lie, but we're all teaponsoble for our own repeoductive potential so if a guy doesn't tend to his own self, you're under no obligation to on his behalf. Whatever the standard is, it works both ways. Also, there's plenty of men out there happy to father kids and disappear. Far more than those who would be devastated by finding the had a child they never knew they had.
As evidenced by how flippantly they still treat their reproductive potential and sexual health. Men can get STDs too; it's statistically less likely, but they're not invincible and there are plenty of men carrying and spreading disease.
So that's the Heart method. Have sex with a disposable guy for the purpose of getting pregnant. You could.evem do a short term relationship with someone you know is going to cut bait and run so you have ready sex available during ovulation. Plenty of those guys around too.