For God's sake John Henry, stop drinking the Kool-Aid. Pesrl is a blithering idiot or crazy like a fox, probably the latter. She's just abother hack grifter making easy money off of misogyny.
Did you see the one where she flat out said she was doing what she was doing so she wouldn't have to work a regular job?
She's repeating manosphere misogynostic rhetoric that has been proven false. She's been unable to defend her beliefs multiple times, anytime she goes up a real debator. And, she's not living the life she's advocating so she's a hypocrite.
By her own "standards for women" or what you're buying into, she's too old to be attractive to a man, is quickly losing value, and will have to settle.
The reality is she's never dated much. She's pretty tall, unstylish, has too many cats (an entire wall in her parents' garage is a long line of litter boxes, one video there were at least 9 cats), she's got a mildly overweight and dumpy physique because she's inactive and it shows.
She actually is everything she decides women for.
Any man who asks her out has to know that she considers him a yard sale stud at this point because she has publicly proclaimed ad nauseum infinitum that women have tonsettlenafter their youth is gone. She specifically gave the age of 25 or 26.
She's 27 now.
Now, John Henry, ask yourself. How would it make you feel to know that someone like this, peddling this misogynistic narrative, quietly looks down on you? They only reason they said yes is they think they can't do better than a Blue Light Special?
You you want to be seen and recognized for all of who you are?
Many of you gentlemen are getting the dark side of the objectification coin thanks to dating apps, social media, and Influencers payrolling an easier lazier lifestyle for themselves because you're willing to pay for their product, misogyny. And you're getting that dark side as an inevitable chain of events from the objectification of women rather than seeing us as a fellow human being.
I'd feel bad for you, but you're consistently making the same bad choices.