First off, knock it off. The hell?
If you believe you or most men are losers, people will agree with you. Why would they not? You've told women that most men are losers and you know full well Maya Angelou's saying is commonplace now. When people tell you who they are, believe them.
So stop that shit. You're not doing yourselves any favors.
Second, inretuen again that loneliness isn't something being done to men. You men are choosing it.
Not being lonely has two components to it. Nothing new here. It's the same formula it's always been.
First component. You need a network of meaningful relationships that fulfill your mental and emotional needs that you can count on. That means you need to value relationships and be willing to work at them. They take constant maintenance. It's not a one time gig.
Second component. You need to keep people who would tear you down at arms length. You need good, healthy boundaries that keep the emotional leeches off of you. You to keep your priorities in check and in focus and good relationhips should be more in focus than bad ones.
That's it. That's all it's ever been.
Men don't value relationships and so they don't build them. Men are resentful about having to work at them and so they end up lonely.
It's pretty telling that by the numbers, single women are thriving and doing well. Married women are reporting loneliness. That's because they are in their relationships by themselves.