Nov 25, 2021


First off, I'd like to thank you. My teenage daughter and I had a good laugh over your comment. We've both had a rough day and your fear of a Boogeyman allowed us to start the holiday on a better note.

2ndly, I've never dated Chads. Mostly because, as Ossiana points out, they don't really exist. They're a figment of your imagination and grievance. But also because, being demi-sexual, I don't really do casual. I just don't begrudge any other woman from sowing whatever oats she wants to sow.

Turn about is fair play.

Kinda sounds like you boys are getting a small dose of what you've been dishing out forever and a day so now you're pissing in your corn flakes.

Being objectified for your body kinda sucks, doesn't it?



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