First off, he's not been found innocent because there hasnt.been a trial so is just as erroneous of you to makenthat claim as it is the left to say he's a (convicted) sex trafficker.
You're being hypocritical here by requiring a higher standard for the left than you are willing to keep yourself. He is an alleged sex trafficker and will remain so until he has faced the charges against him in a court of law and been judged either guilty or innocent.
Secondly, he's not being unduly held. People get held without bail all the time for a few reasons. In his case, he's a flight risk and a danger to the witnesses against him. There is nothing untoward here. The judge made a good call here. Need I remind you that the reason he's in Romania in the first place is because he fled pending charges in Britain. It's not just his money that makes him a flight risk. He's a flight risk because he's already fled charges once before.
That said, I don't think it's rught to hikd someone indefinitely without trial but I don't think we're there yet. Financial crimes and International crimes tend to take a while to collect and examine evidence. Trafficking has both elements.
He's under house arrest now, so he's got it no worse than any of his victims that will be held in protective custody or WITSEC so they don't get murdered, flee from intimidation, or get bought off by potential unnamed accomplices to Tate's alleged criminal apparatus.
Given the nature of the charges against him and his demonstrated ability and history of fleeing charges, I'm good with this call. No problem here.
Thirdly, you keep banging on with this narrative that he was arrested solely on the "false claims" of a few women. This is bullshit. Just because they're still looking for and through evidence, doesn't mean that the witnesses were all they had to go on. That's not how criminal investigstions work.
Lastly, just because he has has dual American citizenship doesn't mean he gets American Constitutional rights if he commits a crime in another country. No. He has to abide by their laws, rules, and regulations of jurisprudence. As it happens, article 23 of the Romanian Constitution provides a presumption of innocence, like in America. But you're using American phrasing of the concept so I'm just clarifying here. He is considered innocent at the moment, but under charge. Just like he would be here. The inaccuracies of the average Joe and Jane discussing Tate on the internet do not affect his status, nor can they be used as evidence against him in trial.
At absolute worst, a juror may enter the trial biased against him. That would be bad, but that's why there's a jury selection process to weed these folks out, and why juries can be sequestered, etc. We also have to keep in mind that ehile.hes been a hot topic on a segment of the internet, a lot of people don't have a clue who this guy is IRL. It's doubtful it would be impossible to find an unbiased jury panel. But, I believe Romania has a version of a bench trial as well. Tate can also request extradition to the UK or the US for trial as well if he believes he can't get a fair trial there.
Further, as an American citizen he has the right to request aid from the state department who can negotiate on his behalf or see to his humane treatment (which would include lengthy detainment without trial). State would then be grated access to the charges against him and if they determined it was a shit show, they would intervene. Either he hasn't requested it, or they're satisfied he's being treated humanely and there's enough there for him to face charges.
Britain had a similar diplomatic function he could seek aid from as a dual citizen, though I don't know what their department is called. Same thing.
He's got rights and access to two powerful G7 nations that could intervene on his behalf and they've decided to stay out of it. They've got a lot more than a 'made up story from 3 women looking to get even with a bad boyfriend", my guy. They've got receipts. Just because they haven't been made public, doesn't mean they don't exist.