First off, healthy expressions of female desire has always been stigmatized, so there's nothing new there.
As far as men go, frankly, no one would know if men had the good sense to keep it to themselves. But they don't. The minute they get an urge they have to let everyone know, especially the woman who inspired it. And they feel the need to do so in the most degrading and humiliating manner possible.
And that is what is being stigmatized. Not so much the desire, but the constant fucking pronouncements about it.
This argument, again, is nothing new. It's just a new lens. This is the same thing as men whining about how they wish they got catcalled and street harassed because at least it would mean they got some sexual attention and validation. At least they got noticed.
But women DO notice men. And, if they're heterosexual women, they often like what they see.
They just don't embarrass you in front of your friends, draw unwanted attention to you, crow about it in a manner that invites other women to bully and degrade you as a mob, or physically invade your space and lay hands on you when they notice you, follow you, threaten you, or make you uncomfortable in any way.
That's what men do. And that's why the male gaze and male attention has become so bothersome and unwanted. Women can't stand to be around men anymore (trend) because men have become sex obsessed and their presence is an obnoxious intrusion. Nobody wants to deal with it anymore.
The twins are driving men off a damn cliff.
Control yourselves better. Think about something other than instant gratification. Be respectful and cognizant of time and place. Act like a damn adult once in a while, rather than a screaming toddler who was told no foe the first time.