2 min readJan 10, 2024


First off, everyone has issues dating.


Secondly, no matter the topic, if you ask people's opinions about the best way to go about getting from point A to point B, it's just a matter of time before one person contradicts another. You might can srrive at a general consensus, but there will ALWAYS be staunch adherents to their own ways/preferences and contrarians who just have to go against the general flow.

So fucking what? That's life. There are trends, not hard and fast, eternal, immutable rules. Things change. We always have to adapt. Because we're living beings and the world changes.

This is not something to get hung up on or overwrought over.

Thirdly, if one is going to insist on being completely passive in their own life, a feather on the wind so to speak, then one cannot complain that the wind took them somewhere they didn't want to go.

Fourthly, you cannot expect the masses to understand you when you, as part of the masses also, simultaneously make no effort to understand any other individual. And meet them halfway too.

Fifthly, everybody is weird. We're just all weird in our own unique ways. I have a tendency to mutter to myself too, especially in grocery stores. I'm sure folks find that disconcerting at times. In fact, I know they do. Lots of times, when I just come up to people and start talking to them, it is not that smooth. So fucking what? That just means it's now my job to set them at ease if I can or back the hell off if I can't. It's not my job to hold up the whole damn world and everybody's feelings in it. It's not yours either.

People have a right to feel how they feel about interactions with strangers. They have a right to the free expression of the experience of it and to state what they like and don't like. They have the right to respond appropriately to those feelings.

People also have the right to make connections with other people. But that right doesn't mean you get to impose your will over others. You don't get to tell them how they're allowed to feel about it. You don't get to ignore their refusal of you. And so forth and so on.

In other words, the desire to connect is to give an invitation. No ody has to accept your invitations if they don't want to, or because you found it hard, or you felt rejected, or whatever.



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