Feminism has been around well before the creation of NOW, by at least 100 years. Margaret Miller is a quack. Just because one is female doesn't make one a feminist. She's like Phyllis Schlayfly. Happy and eager to reap the benefits of feminism all while throwing as many women under the bus as possible. She's a tool.
The mandate of NOW is to promote the interests of women, not to destroy families. NOW wasn't created in a single meeting. You've fallen for a lie.
Look. If a man doesn't want to have anything to do with women, be expected to father and provide for children he didn't really want, and just wants to live his life as he sees fit, it's his right. He can criticize and blast women on the internet all day long. Nobody has to agree with him and they can certainly say so, but nobody prevents him from exercising free speech.
The same applies to women. Or we don't have a free society. It's that simple. This is not rocket science.
Before you men go insisting that women be out in their place because you're not being put on a pedestal any more and you're feelings are hurt that some women just don't like you very much, you might want to think about what you will be giving up in turn.
Men are better off overall thanks to feminism as well. You have more freedom and more options and more opportunities in life than you did when women were under the boot. You don't have to stay stuck in loveless marriages, you don't have to provide for dozens of children, you have more opportunity to travel and buy things with a two income household than one. Your life expectancy has increased with the lifting of financial burden significantly. You have more time to spend with your kids and it's more socially acceptable.
Feminism has provided all those things for you. So how about "thank you feminism" instead of "boo hoo. sob sob. Some woman I don't know and will never meet wrote on the internet that she doesn't like men and doesn't think men should be a part of families and families shouldn't exist. It shrivels my penis when I'm not loved and adored by all vaginas everywhere. Especially the ones I'll never meet. This wouldn't have happened if it weren't for feminism! Feminism is bad!!!!" (Cue uncontrolled wailing. And scene.)
As though there haven't always been women who don't like men as well as there have always been me who don't like women.
Dude. Come on. Your life is going to go on as it always has. Your family is what you make of it, just like everyone else. And the world is going to keep on spinning whether some unnamed woman somewhere out in the internet ether decides against falling at your feet like you're a Greek statue or not.
Maybe if men like you earned some legit self respect and self esteem, you wouldn't fall to pieces every time some woman wants more for her life than having to constantly prop you up just so you can function in the world somewhat adequately.