Fat Shaming the Beagle

8 min readApr 28, 2021
Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

One day as I was walking the Beagle through the neighborhood…

We’re on the last leg of our walk when Jupiter and I cross paths with a couple moving into a house in the neighborhood. The woman squeals with delight and points Jupe out to her companion, awwwing, “isn’t that the cutest dog you ever saw. Look at the puppy!”

I smile indulgently. I get this a lot. Beagles aren’t a widespread breed in Arizona (at least not this part) which makes them an unfamiliar curiosity to most people. It’s the ears. You can’t beat floppy ears for cuteness. You just can’t. (She’s not a puppy though).

The man looks over and says, “Hey Buddy!” Jupiter wags her tail, eager for the attention. Then he looks to me and asks if they can pet her. I nod, smile my agreement, and cross the street to where they’re standing on the sidewalk.

He’s petting her and crooning. Asking questions.

“Is he a Bassett Hound?”

“Oh no. She’s a Beagle,” I reply.

“He’s such a good looking boy! He’s part Bassett though, yeah?”

“No. She’s a pureblood Beagle. I bought her from a breeder over in X-city,” I inform. I was about to offer him the contact info if he wanted it but he interrupted…

