False equivalency.
In your scenario, the man will face some xonsewuences or fear of consequences for doing what he wants to with you or to you.
The thing about meeting the man in the woods alone is there are no consequences.
37% of men say they would force a woman to have sex with them if there were no consequences to them. That was a recent study/poll.
Women know this and have always known this.
The bear in the zoo is not in its natural habitat. It may or may not be stressed. Depending on how it's been handled and if it's been traumatized, it may be more likely to be defensive than your average bear out in the woods. If it was born there in the zoo and grew there and was always treated well, it actually may be quite docile.
That one's a toss up. The bear may still be the better option.
The random man will not likely immediately do anything because of those consequences, but he might follow you and look for an opportunity later.
87% of stalkers are men and 1 in 12 women have been stalked.
I've been stalked. So I'll take my chances with that bear.