Fair enough. I read a couple of your essays aloud to Urchling last night.
We have notes.
We both also agree in general about feedback. Provided doing so feels safe. Some women have been murdered for refusing a man's advanced so that takes precedence. We agree if there's been a relationship, or a few dates, or some flirting going on for a while. We don't agree if it's a random guy who just asks you out after talking to you a few minutes. The answer is always the same. You don't want to date. There's no further explanation owed anymore than you owe a panhandler an explanation for why you don't have any pocket change for them or a detailed explanation to a proselytizer a reason why you will not be accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. The answer is no.
Urchling suggested I write some essays about some dating highlights and why I rejected or was rejected. And I think maybe she's right, provided I can maintain some objectivity. Most people can't once their feelings become involved but I've never been one to be run away with feelings of love easily or be flippant about romance and dating in general. I take that shit seriously.
Anyway, I'm going to start working on that idea as a series. So maybe you'll check it out. You might find some answers to your own questions.