Except that you're wrong on 3 fronts.
First off, humans are not bonobos. Just because we're closy related, doesn't mean we're the same. You assuming what you believe to work for one will work for humans too. False assumption based on wishful thinking king of hoping to get laid more.
Secondly, bonobos are still violent too and have away more sex than we do. So clearly, more sex doesn't solve the problem of male violence, even for bonobos.
Thirdly, you're conveniently ignoring those other dynamics in play. Male bonobos don't have the sense of ownership to or right to sex from females that human males do. The females are making the choice, unpressured and uncoerced.
Maybe if men want more sex they should remove the preasure and coercion dynamics so that human female sexuality can exist as nsture intended.
Or get ready to hand your daughter over to that beta lottery system you're all so hot and heavy for.