Except that men never made the first move. There was no "moves" being made, certainly not based on instant attraction. Young people just widely socialized. Young women would put themselves in the path of you g men they liked and you g men would.then approach them if they liked them too.
You didn't have cold approaches on the street that were tantamount to approaching a prostitute. You had to have been introsuced to a young woman to even speak with her, unless you grew up together.
Otherwise, you had to introduce yourself to her father and ask permission to court.
I'm 52. It wasn't unheard of for young women to not be allowed to talk to a young man on the phone when I was young, although that was fading into history.
Seems like the easier it's made for men, the more they mess it up and treat young women like they're disposable and cheap.
So this idea you young men have about always having to be the ones who approach is actually very recent, it's nowhere near as difficult.as it used to be, and it ignores the fact that when women are interested in you, they DO make themselves known.
Women actuslly ARE asking men out directly more but also they're doing more of what theyve always done. Puttinf themsekbes in your paths when they're potentially interested. Or rather, they were. Like I saidz women seem to need a break so I bet that's happening less now and you're all just being more avoided in general because of all this behavior.
You can say all you want about hiwnits not fair that allen are being "punished' for what a few men have done. I return to the simple and hard fact that prey avoid their predators. That's natural law. Nobody usurps natural law.
If men want a better dating landscape, then you've got work. You need to get yourselves in check, have a 'come to Jesus' about a few things, and then it's a long hard slog back to rebuilding trust. No quick fixes and no cutting corners.