Except she's not a part of the culture that is relevant to the White Sage issue. She's an Indigenous woman from Costa Rica. White Sage is not native to Costa Rica. It is native to Southern California and the Baja Region.
So White Sage was never part of an important spiritual practice to her ancestors, though they may have traded with the peoples who did use it.
When she wrote "our white sage" she was technically culturally appropriating too. Just as if she wore a headdress like those worn by the plains tribes instead of those headdresses (if there were any) her tribal affiliations.
There were hundreds of tribes in the Americas of Indigenous peoples. They all had specific practices, beliefs, customs, and culture. Being brown skinned does not give her license to appropriate totem poles, or eagle feathers, or headdresses, or particular dances, or White Sage any more than it does a white person, a black person or an Asian person.
All people should leave White Sage (Salvia apiana) for the Navajo, the Pueblo (?), the Ute, the Arapahoe, and any of the other tribes who used it for spiritual practice.
It doesn't matter what your skin color is. It matters what your cultural heritage is.