Exactly what new thoughts do you think are being provoked by repeating soundbites that have been blasted across all media at top volume for far too long already? What conversation do you think you're sparking that hasn't been said already, ad nauseam infinitum?
I went through your comment section. There's no meaningful dialogue or discussion happening there.
If that's your purpose, you're missing the mark. Badly. Like, being unable to hit the broad side of a barn kind of missing the mark.
And yet, you actually had a possible story in all that mess. One little sentence that would have been something new. Would have given people something to chew on.
But you missed it. Again.
I'd love to say something positive. Why are you denying me the chance by publishing drivel and tagging it feminism? Oh well, hope springs eternal that one day you might, accidentally stumbling around, produce something thought provoking. Until that day, I've got a bumper crop of tomatoes, since you're so fond of them.