Exactly, but we don't have to normalize it or validate it either. Nor do we have to assume or do weird mentsl gymnastics to blame this dynamic on feminism or claim that feminism condones or allows for it. It's nothing to do with feminism as it's actually antithetical to feminist principles.
I'm not saying you did that in your article, I'm just acknowledging that it's being said/claimed in the broader internet discussion about these heifers.
I tend to think it was inevitable once social grifters like Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson were excused I stead of condemned. Quite naturally, if it's okay for them based on "free speech" or whatever, then other grifters will try to get their cut too. If it's okay to manipulate men by playing off common insecurities, then why not women? After all, we've been the prey to the beauty industry based off insecurity for decades. This is just 2.0. Nothing new to see here. Same old same old.